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    Hello & welcome........ 


    I am Louise, I have just turned 57 years old, where does the time go!  I live in Lincolnshire with my husband. I am originally from Nottinghamshire and most of my family still live there. (My mum and grown up children)

    I don't like the cold, In fact I'm often working with a nice warm hot water bottle behind me! 

    I don't have any pets, but often see some of my client's pets pop up in online therapy sessions! 

    I am often found in coffee shops and charity shops, when i have some time to myself. I'm down to earth, warm and personable, and someone who likes to keep things simple and doesn't use jargon.


    Now I am a bit older i have found myself enjoying rock music, not sure what that is about!! but it helps with the long drives over to Nottinghamshire....

    Do I have any shortcomings?...hhmm let me think about that. Yes, i can think of a few, namely:

    Not always knowing when to take a break. I can be untidy, I have papers all over my desk. Maybe a few socks can be found on the floor, that kind of thing. 

    I am relaxed in my therapy approach, maybe this might help you to feel at ease too? Whether you find yourself crying, laughing or plain angry in a session, I am alongside you, after-all its all part of therapy, it is important stuff.

    About my therapy journey: I qualified as a counsellor at Nottingham University in 2006, where I achieved my Masters degree in Counselling studies. My children were young back then and I wanted to study and return to work when they were a bit older

    After completing my degree I set up private practice, (in person-face to face, in Nottingham) which ran for several years. I saw clients from all walks of life, for a diverse range of issues. I enjoy meeting new people in my line of work, they are unique with their own personal story.

    I now practice counselling online and on the telephone.

    I have also worked as an advocate for people with cognitive difficulties, which i loved doing.

    I also have a diploma for miscarriage counselling, so I also specialise in miscarriage, stillbirth and baby loss 

    therapy room

    Previous to my degree I completed a 2 year course (2001-2003) at The Nottingham Counselling Service (NCS) and achieved the Edexcel, (BTEC) Professional Development certificate in Therapeutic Counselling.


    I worked as a volunteer for NCS during this period and beyond, providing counselling to clients both long term and short term.

    client and counsellor in session



    I am a registered member of the BACP (Membership number 403745) and adhere to their code and ethics for counselling practice. I implicitly hold the following values as a therapist.

    • unconditional positive regard (UPR) – accepting and valuing you.

    • congruence - being honest and transparent in how I experience you and your world.

    • empathic understanding – seeing your viewpoint as if I were you.


    Masters degree in counselling: Nottingham University. (2006)

    Edexcel: BTEC Professional Development in Therapeutic Counselling. (2003)

    Diploma in miscarriage counselling (2024)

    City & Guilds: Diploma in Independent advocacy under the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty safeguards (DoLs) (2011)

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